Star Seal

One “problem” that I am always trying to solve is: what to do with all those little paper cuts that are the “garbage” from projects I make on the ScanNCut.I hate to throw them away, but what to do with them?

Well, I’ve figured it out and I am obsessed with this idea: hot glue envelope seals with paper bits embedded in the glue.

What am I talking about?

Check it out:

Glitter and flower seal

Closeup of glitter and flower seal

Star Seal

Star Seal Close Up

Glitter and Star Seal

Glitter and Star Close Up

Fancy Seal

Fancy Seal Close Up

If you look through your stash of scraps and bits, I'll bet that you can find dozens exciting little paper bits to embed in a hot glue envelope seal! Also: You can do this on a glass mat or silicone mat so that the "seals" are free standing bits. This would allow you to use them as embellishments, anywhere you'd like! I hope you think this idea is as cool as I do.