April Showers Bring May Flowers Home Decor

Create some flower inspired home decor with your ScanNCut!
For the May Flowers Window Decor you will need:
● Various Colors of Vinyl, Roll Feeder, ScanNCut DX, Auto Blade, Transfer sheets
● May Flowers.fcm
● BrotherCrafts_WindowFlowers.cwprj
Steps for the May Flowers Window Decor:
1. Download “May Flowers.fcm” to your machine.
2. Load the roll feeder with your starting color of vinyl.
3. Cut out the decal designs. The file contains 3 different sized flowers and 1 with “hope” cut out of the petals.

4. Weed away all excess vinyl on the vinyl sheet.
5. Repeat steps 2-4 with other colors. Your design can range from one color to the whole rainbow!
6. Apply a piece of transfer sheet on top of one of the weeded vinyl flowers, using the sheet to remove the vinyl from the adhesive backing. We suggest starting with the largest flower first to place where the focus of the design will be and work your way outwards.
7. Using the transfer sheet, apply the vinyl flower to the window. Carefully peel away the transfer sheet
8. Repeat with the other flowers in other colors to make your design.
9. Done!