Intro Post

final mask
We're all wearing masks nowadays, so why not make them fun and trendy! Learn how to make this super trendy DIY Santa Mask for this holiday season!

1. Measure the area where you would like the design to appear on the fabric


2. Create and size the design to the area on the fabric with your design via CanvasWorkspace


3. Retrieve data on the ScanNCut DX SDX85 machine to select the design created

retrieve data button

santa design on machine display

4. Place the heat transfer vinyl with plastic facing down on the standard mat

place vinyl on mat
5. Scan in background to locate exact placement of the material on the mat
6. Drag and place design over the material
7. Make sure to select the mirror option for the design

select mirror button

8. Select the half cut setting to only cut through the heat transfer vinyl, leaving the plastic in tack

select half cut button

9. Select cut

select cut button

10. Remove the cut vinyl from mat
11. Peel vinyl to reveal cut out design

peel vinyl

12. Weed out additional vinyl

remove vinyl cutouts

13. Place design over desired position on fabric

place cutouts on fabric

14. Iron on design to the fabric

iron on vinyl Note: Let cool before moving plastic covering

15. Remove plastic covering revealing the cut out design

final mask

*For more information on face coverings visit the CDC website.