Brother Crafts Ambassador

Intro Post

What is the Brother ScanNCut Background Scan? How do you use it? When do you use it? What do you need to know about it?!

I’m here to answer all of your Background Scan questions and sharing the four ways that I use Background Scan in this video:

As a recap, Background Scan is useful when:

1. You want to use small scraps of material.

2. You want to perfectly place a cut file.

3. You want to cut multiple colors of the same material at the same time.

4. You want to cut out certain design areas on a material.

I use Background Scan almost every single time that I use my Brother ScanNCut. Here are a few recent cards I made, all of which used Background Scan during the process:

happy birthday card


Because these cards are made up of lots of little pieces of paper, I like to use Background Scan Use #3 – “You want to cut multiple colors of the same material at the same time.”

I hope you found this post useful!