Free Design of the Month for November – Embroidered Container Cover for Gift Giving

- Brother Sews Blogger

This time of the year many of us enjoy giving edible gifts to friends and loved ones. Why not re-cycle a common coffee can and use it as a pretty package for homemade or purchased goodies? The Brother Free design of the month is ideal for decorating the cover. Easily create this embroidered container cover spiced up with a beautiful pumpkin design for the Thanksgiving holiday. This makes a great hostess gift and all you need are some simple supplies. Are you ready? Let’s go sew!

Materials and Supplies for Embroidered Cosmetic Case:

- Brother Sewing and Embroidery Machine with 5-inch X 7-inch capability.
- SA580 Brother medium-weight tear-away stabilizer.
- Embroidery threads and embroidery needle.
- SA198 Brother Adjustable Bias Binder foot for binding straight edges on container.
- Basic sewing notions including sewing thread to match bias tape, and a removable marker.
- One package of extra-wide double fold bias tape for trimming edges of cover.
- One toggle button measuring 1 ½-inches to create removable lid.
- Clean, empty container - 33.9 oz. coffee can measuring approximately 19 ¼-inches around by 6 ½-inches high.

- Brother Free Design of the month FD_11_2021.Note: Thread colors were modified from the original design. See Figure #1 below.

Fabric Requirements
- For Piece A, container lid: One square of double faced pre-quilted fabric measuring slightly larger than container lid. See instructions for more details.
- For Piece B, container cover: Cut one oversized strip of double faced pre-quilted fabric measuring 9-inches wide by 21-inches long.

Figure #1

Please read through all instructions before beginning this project. Basic steps are as follows:

- Cut fabric and embroider front of cover.
- Add bias binding to raw edges.
- Sew cover to fit container.

All Steps to Create Container Cover:

1. Select square of double-faced quilted fabric. Use actual lid as a guide to draw a circle matching the lid. See Figure #2.

Figure #2

2. Transfer free design to your machine and select your desired thread colors. Mark the center point of the fabric strip and align marking in the center of the 5” X 7” hoop. Embroider design. See Figure #3.

Figure #3

3. Finish container as follows:
- Measure exact height and circumference of coffee can and add 1 ½-inches to the circumference for seam allowance and ease. With embroidery design centered on the piece, trim embroidered strip of fabric to size, using your specific measurements. Note: After adding seam allowance, my final piece measured 6 ¼-inches high X 20 ¼-inches long. Double check size of your container and make any necessary adjustments if your coffee can differs in size. Cut out circle. Iron bias tape to remove creases. See Figure #4.

Figure #4

- Set up sewing machine with thread to match or contrast with bias tape. I opted to sew the tape using green thread and a feather stitch. To trim circle with bias tape begin by shaping the tape around the circle using a steam iron, starting at the top of one edge and wrapping tape over the raw edge of the circle. Smooth it as you go and press lightly with steam. Leave ½-inch excess on the opposite end. Turn under excess tape so it overlaps the first raw edge. Stitch tape in place so decorative stitch covers edges. See Figure #5.

Figure #5

Tip: Using a zig zag stitch or a decorative stitch such as the feather stitch makes it easier to sew the bias tape while catching both top and bottom folded edge of tape. Bias tape may be slightly wider on one side. If so, it’s best to place the wider side on the bottom as you sew.

- Set up machine for sewing with adjustable bias binder foot. Read tips below, then sew bias binding to finish long edges at the top and bottom of the strip. See Figure 6a and Figure #6b.

Tips for using binder foot: The Brother adjustable bias binder foot makes it easy to apply bias binding to long straight edges. It’s a good idea to test a sample piece and make adjustments before sewing on your project. Cut binding at an angle and insert bias binding into the opening on the foot. Note that there is a slot at the top and bottom for the tape and a slot in the center for the piece you are binding. Next, slip the quilted fabric into the center slot. Use the tip of a seam ripper or a pin to help ease bias and fabric into slots. Make sure bias is completely wrapped around the fabric with wider side of bias on the bottom. Adjust screw on side of foot to fit width of bias tape. Tape should be snug but still able to move freely through the foot. It is important to know that you can adjust the screw at the back of the foot to nudge the foot to the right and the left. Adjust so that the stitch fully catches the edge of the tape. When sewing, I find it best to hold the piece slightly up at an angle when feeding it into the foot.

Figure 6a

Figure 6b

- Place lid on container. With right sides together, wrap embroidered piece around container and pin seam allowance. Adjust size of seam if necessary, making sure your cover slips easily on and off the container.
- Overcast seam allowances. Tip: I used presser foot “G” with a coordinating overcast stitch. See Figure #7.

Figure #7

- Sew seam using a standard foot and straight stitch. See Figure #8.

Figure #8

- Press seam allowance open. You’re almost finished! Cut a piece of bias binding 4-inches long and gather pieces to complete steps. See Figure #9.

Figure #9

- Form a loop with 4-inch bias tape piece and sew to top of circle. See Figure #10a and Figure #10b.

Figure #10a

Figure #10b

- Anchor seam allowances at top and bottom with hand or machine stitches to keep them flat.
- Slip cover over container. Place circle on top and determine position for button. Hand-sew button at the top of the back seam. See Figure #11a and Figure #11b.

Figure #11a

Figure #11b

You are finished! Enjoy!

Options and ideas:
- This container is perfect for holiday gift giving. Decorate the cover with your choice of holiday designs and fill with home-made goodies or purchased treats for a delightful gift.
- Consider embroidering a heartfelt message on fabric cut for lid, personalizing it for your gift recipient.
- Create your own quilted fabric from novelty prints and make a cover without embroidery for yet another creative option.