Frequently Asked Questions

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Payment Questions

Brother-USA accepts Visa®, MasterCard®, American Express®, and Discover® credit and debit cards, as well as PayPal Express Checkout.

PayPal is a safe, secure, and easy way to pay for your purchases. With PayPal, your credit card or debit card numbers are never shared or transmitted with payment. Paypal can be used for online purchases and returns. Please note that Paypal refunds may take up to 30 days to reflect in your account.

Please contact Paypal directly if you have issues with:
  • Opening a PayPal account
  • password reset or retrieval
  • PayPal funding options
  • Denied or failed PayPal payments
  • Transaction status
  • All other payment related questions regarding your PayPal account

Please contact if you have issues with:
  • Merchandise inquiries
  • Shipping timeframes
  • Order status
  • Returns/exchanges

At this time, does not currently accept gift cards or pre-paid cards.

An authorization hold (or pre-authorization) is placed on your card when an order is placed via debit or credit card. This generates what looks like a deduction of the purchase price from your funds available. The money is still in your account; however, the amount of the authorization hold is restricted from use. This process ensures the funds necessary to complete the transaction remain available until the order is processed. Once processed, the funds are deducted from your account. Please note, most holds last from 3 to 7 days; however, the holding periods do vary from bank to bank.­ Brother International Corporation does not fully authorize the actual charge until processing of the merchandise; however, if there is a delay from the purchase date until the processing date of your merchandise, we will continue to authorize the purchase to verify the funds remain available.

In the event that your order is cancelled, the hold is usually removed within 72 hours; however, you may contact your bank to request a release of any holds on your account. For more information on hold releases, please contact the bank that issued your card for their policy regarding authorization holds.

At this time, Brother-USA does not currently price-match.