
Brother International Corporation
DIR Contract No. DIR CPO-5421

Managed Print Services, Printers, Copiers, 3D Printers, Scanning, Plotting and Facsimile Equipment and Related Services; Document Imaging Services/Solutions; Enterprise Content Management Products, Software and Services

Vendor Contact Information

Frank Takacs
State & Local Government Major Account Manager;
Brother International Corporation

Tel: (908) 252-3235
Email: [email protected]

Samuel Demerit
Healthcare and Education Major Account Manager

Brother International Corporation
Tel: (214) 551-4811
Email: [email protected]

How to Order

For product and pricing information, visit the Brother International Corporation website or contact Frank Takacs at (908) 252-3235. Reseller Vendors are also available through this contract.

  1. Select from any Reseller Vendor contact listed below to also obtain product and pricing information.

  2. Generate a purchase order to any Reseller Vendor listed below. All PO’s must reference DIR Contract # DIR CPO-5421 on 
    your purchase order

  3. E-mail or fax your purchase order and quote form to your designated reseller sales representative.


Contractor/Reseller Info

Contract Price List

All products and pricing in this section reflect our latest Texas DIR price list.