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Organize your garage, basement, or workshop like a pro with the Brother P-touch Pro label maker

Organize every project with a label that lasts. For tools, sporting goods, electrical cables, and equipment, the Brother P-touch Pro label maker delivers on-the-go labeling that’s durable and reliable.

Our P-touch Pro label maker takes on your toughest labeling jobs

Get it right with the P-touch Pro

Choose from 70+ P-touch TZe label tapes up to ~1/2” (12mm) wide

Use dedicated one-touch keys for cable wrap, cable flag, faceplate, and serialize

Choose from 3 fonts and 300+ included symbols

Portable label maker with detachable wrist strap and flexible power options

Store up to 9 labels for easy reprinting

Get it right with Brother P-touch Pro label maker

Comes ready with:

P-touch Pro Label Maker PT-H111
1 Black on White ~1/2” (12mm) wide x 26.2’ (8m) long Flexible ID Laminated Label Tape
Wrist Strap
1 year limited warranty

Make room in your toolbox for the P-touch Pro label maker

Make room in your toolbox for the P-touch Pro

Labeling made easy with the P-touch Pro label maker

Label a job well done

The P-touch Pro label maker makes it easy to organize and arrange your toolbox

Keep your workshop organized with Brother P-touch Pro label maker

Hammer, screwdriver, P-touch Pro label maker

The P-touch Pro label maker is the natural go-to for garage, basement, and workshop organization. Print labels to help identify wires and panels, or categorize equipment – the P-touch Pro has special features for your garage, basement, or workshop.

Organize cables, pipes, and more with labeling tools from Brother

Where durable labels matter

Marking cables, identifying pipes - these are spaces where labeling matters and where those labels need to last. Genuine P-touch TZe label tapes are durable, reliable, and are available in a range of colors, widths, and styles.

Stay organized with a label machine

Get inspired for your next P-touch project

Organize cables, pipes, and more with labeling tools from Brother
Categorize Your Cables

Label your lures with Brother’s labeling machine
Label Your Lures

 Coordinate your keys with Brother label maker
Coordinate Your Keys

Transform your tools with Brother P-touch Pro
Transform Your Tools

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Shop the office label maker lineup from Brother

The Office Lineup

Labels may be small, but their impact is mighty. In the office, labeling organizes and helps teams work better together.

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  1. Labels shown are for illustrative purposes only. Actual output (such as fonts and margins) may vary.
  2. Software app compatibility may vary based on operating system and by label maker.

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